2022 FMB Amateur Cup Standings

Rank Photo Name Sponsors Points Counting Results
1 Jake Atkinson Jake Atkinson
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
450 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 1st | 150
2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 1st | 150
2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 1st | 150
2 Jordan Clark Jordan Clark
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
435 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 2nd | 135
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 1st | 150
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 1st | 150
2 Kaidan Ingersoll Kaidan Ingersoll
United States of America
435 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 1st | 150
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 1st | 150
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 1 (M/W) | 2nd | 135
435 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 1st | 150
2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 1st | 150
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 2nd | 135
5 Thomas Wrigley Thomas Wrigley
405 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 1st | 150
2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 3rd | 120
6 James Angiulo James Angiulo
United States of America
393 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 4th | 108
2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 1st | 150
7 Cameron Crozier Cameron Crozier
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
375 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 2nd | 135
2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 3rd | 120
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 3rd | 120
8 Jack Feick * Jack Feick *
368.4 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2022 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
9 Finley Davies Finley Davies
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
363 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 4th | 108
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 3rd | 120
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 2nd | 135
10 Christian Arehart Christian Arehart
United States of America
353.4 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 3rd | 120
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 2nd | 135
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 1 (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
10 Freddy Pulman Freddy Pulman
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
353.4 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 3rd | 120
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 5th | 98.4
2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 2nd | 135
12 Charlie Bowman Charlie Bowman
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
304.8 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 5th | 98.4
2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 5th | 98.4
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 4th | 108
13 Jamie Bunning Jamie Bunning
293.1 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 1st | 150
2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
14 Josh Crosswell Josh Crosswell
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
288 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 4th | 108
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 6th | 90
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 6th | 90
15 Liam Nichols Liam Nichols
United States
286.8 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 3rd | 120
2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 6th | 90
16 Dustin Iverson Dustin Iverson
United States of America
273 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 4th | 108
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 4th | 108
2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 12th | 57
17 Travis Morris Travis Morris
United States of America
270 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 6th | 90
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 6th | 90
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 1 (M/W) | 6th | 90
18 Samuel Berry Samuel Berry
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
262.8 2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 6th | 90
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 6th | 90
2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 7th | 82.8
19 Chase Minos Chase Minos
262.2 2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 4th | 108
2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
19 Lane Bodor Lane Bodor
262.2 2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
2022 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 4th | 108
2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
21 Ted Oakley * Ted Oakley *
258.9 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 14th | 48.9
2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 6th | 90
2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 3rd | 120
22 Jerrell Webster Jerrell Webster
United States of America
258 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 1 (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
22 William Lewington Booth William Lewington Booth
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
258 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 7th | 82.8
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 8th | 76.8
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 5th | 98.4
24 Anton Linder * Anton Linder *
248.4 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 5th | 98.4
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 1st | 150
25 Dane Folpp Dane Folpp
243 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 4th | 108
2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 2nd | 135
26 Viktor Douhan Viktor Douhan
225 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 2nd | 135
2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 6th | 90
27 Finley Kirschenmann Finley Kirschenmann
United States of America
221.4 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 9th | 71.4
2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 1st | 150
27 Mike Ross Mike Ross
221.4 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 9th | 71.4
2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 1st | 150
29 Tom Isted * Tom Isted *
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
218.4 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 5th | 98.4
2022 DWUK R3 Freddys Yard Slopestyle | 3rd | 120
30 Mathijs Diaz Mathijs Diaz
210.6 2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
31 Alex Pickering Alex Pickering
210 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 6th | 90
2022 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 3rd | 120
32 Zac Rainbow Zac Rainbow
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
206.4 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 4th | 108
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 5th | 98.4
33 Juri Stoffers Juri Stoffers
198 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 4th | 108
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 6th | 90
34 Reto Heini Reto Heini
196.8 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 3rd | 120
35 Alex Alanko Alex Alanko
190.8 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 7th | 82.8
2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 4th | 108
36 Jaric Hubacher Jaric Hubacher
181.2 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
37 Darren Eastall Darren Eastall
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
172.8 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 6th | 90
2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 7th | 82.8
37 Vincent Mattes Vincent Mattes
172.8 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 13th | 52.8
2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 3rd | 120
39 Mallee Warner Mallee Warner
161.4 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 6th | 90
2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
40 Levio Staub Levio Staub
156.3 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 6th | 90
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
41 Andy Lehman Andy Lehman
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
153.6 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 8th | 76.8
2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 8th | 76.8
42 David Lieb David Lieb
United States of America
150 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 1st | 150
42 Erik Fedko Erik Fedko
150 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 1st | 150
42 Harry Bolton Harry Bolton
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
150 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 16th | 42
2022 DWUK R4 RW2.0 | 4th | 108
42 Jannik Völk Jannik Völk
150 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 1st | 150
42 Max Langille Max Langille
150 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 1 (M/W) | 1st | 150
42 Simon Karrer Simon Karrer
150 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 1st | 150
42 Soren Farenholtz Soren Farenholtz
150 2022 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 1st | 150
42 Teodor Kovac Teodor Kovac
150 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 1st | 150
50 Andrew Head Andrew Head
142.8 2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
51 Blake Turner Blake Turner
United States of America
140.4 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 16th | 42
52 Bailey Clarke Bailey Clarke
138.3 2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
53 Jerome Hollinger Jerome Hollinger
137.7 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
54 Benjamin Markwick Benjamin Markwick
135 2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 2nd | 135
54 Dominik Erd Dominik Erd
135 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 2nd | 135
54 Jadon Wilson Jadon Wilson
135 2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 2nd | 135
54 Lukas Knopf Lukas Knopf
135 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 2nd | 135
54 Marvin Buchholzki Marvin Buchholzki
135 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 2nd | 135
54 Valentin Raimann Valentin Raimann
135 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 2nd | 135
60 Tucker McCoy-Smith Tucker McCoy-Smith
United States of America
132.6 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
61 Tom Lemke Tom Lemke
131.7 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 14th | 48.9
2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 7th | 82.8
62 Bodie Terrill Bodie Terrill
127.8 2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
63 Marlon Katzke Marlon Katzke
124.2 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 9th | 71.4
2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 13th | 52.8
63 Robert Beard Robert Beard
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
124.2 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 9th | 71.4
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 13th | 52.8
65 Adrien Wolf Adrien Wolf
120 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 3rd | 120
65 Ben Thompson Ben Thompson
120 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 1 (M/W) | 3rd | 120
65 Hayden Zablotny Hayden Zablotny
120 2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 3rd | 120
65 Larn Baldwin Larn Baldwin
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
120 2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 3rd | 120
65 Leroy Leslie Leroy Leslie
120 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 3rd | 120
65 Lukas Skiöld * Lukas Skiöld *
120 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 3rd | 120
65 Marc Gercke Marc Gercke
120 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 3rd | 120
65 Matt Dennis Matt Dennis
120 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 3rd | 120
65 Nathan Compartino Nathan Compartino
120 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 3rd | 120
65 Tobey Miley Tobey Miley
120 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 3rd | 120
75 Marcus Schoepe Marcus Schoepe
United States of America
119.1 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 18th | 36.3
76 Alfie Stephens Alfie Stephens
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
108 2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 4th | 108
76 Baxter Maiwald Baxter Maiwald
108 2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 4th | 108
76 Boris Rezabek Boris Rezabek
108 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 4th | 108
76 Derek Priest Derek Priest
108 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 1 (M/W) | 4th | 108
76 Dillen Primeau Dillen Primeau
108 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 4th | 108
76 Felix Törnqvist Felix Törnqvist
108 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 4th | 108
76 Jayden Fleming Jayden Fleming
New Zealand
108 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 4th | 108
76 Marcus Hänsel Marcus Hänsel
108 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 4th | 108
76 Milan Raskopf Milan Raskopf
108 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 4th | 108
85 Benjamin Fall Benjamin Fall
102.3 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 15th | 45.3
2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 12th | 57
86 Noah Hodler Noah Hodler
101.7 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 13th | 52.8
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 14th | 48.9
87 Callum Waring Callum Waring
98.4 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
87 Jalon Badertscher Jalon Badertscher
98.4 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
87 Leroy Lesley Leroy Lesley
98.4 2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
87 Loek Quaedflieg Loek Quaedflieg
98.4 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 5th | 98.4
87 Luke Whitlock Luke Whitlock
United States of America
98.4 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 5th | 98.4
87 Max Levytskyy Max Levytskyy
98.4 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 5th | 98.4
87 Niels Gehrke Niels Gehrke
98.4 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
87 Palmer Crerar Palmer Crerar
98.4 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
87 Peter John Peter John
98.4 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 5th | 98.4
87 Samuel Fraser Samuel Fraser
98.4 2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
87 Shannon Martan Shannon Martan
98.4 2022 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 5th | 98.4
98 Damian Fleetwood Damian Fleetwood
90 2022 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 6th | 90
98 Finn Wendisch Finn Wendisch
90 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 6th | 90
98 Gaelen Slaney Gaelen Slaney
90 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 6th | 90
98 Kaden Steeves Kaden Steeves
90 2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 6th | 90
98 Kai Flower Kai Flower
90 2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 6th | 90
98 Tom Schmitz Tom Schmitz
90 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 6th | 90
104 Elija Rusch Elija Rusch
87.3 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 25th | 25.8
105 Derek Hines Derek Hines
United States of America
82.8 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
105 Diego Martinez Diego Martinez
82.8 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 7th | 82.8
105 Dylan Siggers Dylan Siggers
82.8 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
105 Ezra Slade Ezra Slade
82.8 2022 Hucken Berries Bike Jam (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
105 Jake Cowx Jake Cowx
82.8 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 7th | 82.8
105 Lars Lewandrowski Lars Lewandrowski
82.8 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
105 Marc Diekmann Marc Diekmann
82.8 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 7th | 82.8
105 Noah Fritz Noah Fritz
82.8 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
105 Sweeny Achill Sweeny Achill
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
82.8 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 7th | 82.8
105 Ted Hoffman Ted Hoffman
82.8 2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 7th | 82.8
115 Aiden Coates Aiden Coates
76.8 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
115 Alexander Mild Alexander Mild
76.8 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 8th | 76.8
115 Brody Laker Brody Laker
76.8 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 8th | 76.8
115 David Perez Nanni David Perez Nanni
76.8 2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
115 Desmond Harrison Desmond Harrison
76.8 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
115 Emil Max Emil Max
76.8 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
115 Garrett Wider Garrett Wider
United States of America
76.8 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 1 (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
115 Jacopo Ferracci Jacopo Ferracci
76.8 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 8th | 76.8
115 Max Hiemann Max Hiemann
76.8 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 8th | 76.8
115 Navarro Guerra Navarro Guerra
United States of America
76.8 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 8th | 76.8
115 Oliver Free Oliver Free
76.8 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 8th | 76.8
126 Lenny Trachsel Lenny Trachsel
72.6 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 15th | 45.3
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 23rd | 27.3
127 Jimmy Meyer Jimmy Meyer
72.3 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 14th | 48.9
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 29th | 23.4
128 Carter Seigen Carter Seigen
United States of America
71.4 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
128 Danny Fendler Danny Fendler
United States of America
71.4 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 2 (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
128 Dave Vance Dave Vance
United States of America
71.4 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 1 (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
128 Lennox Morenz Lennox Morenz
71.4 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
128 Makusha Nyasha Makusha Nyasha
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
71.4 2022 DWUK R2 Radical Bike Park | 9th | 71.4
128 Max Mayerhofer Max Mayerhofer
71.4 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 9th | 71.4
128 Mickael Belley Mickael Belley
71.4 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 9th | 71.4
128 Rhys Pryce-Griffiths Rhys Pryce-Griffiths
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
71.4 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 9th | 71.4
128 Vinzent Raimann Vinzent Raimann
71.4 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 9th | 71.4
137 Colton Lowry Colton Lowry
United States of America
66.3 2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
137 David Breest David Breest
66.3 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
137 Finley Evans Finley Evans
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
66.3 2022 DWUK R1 Chicksands Bike Park | 10th | 66.3
137 Henry Turner Henry Turner
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
66.3 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 10th | 66.3
137 Luke Parker Luke Parker
66.3 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 10th | 66.3
137 Michael Priller Michael Priller
66.3 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 10th | 66.3
137 Moab Puentes Moab Puentes
66.3 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 10th | 66.3
137 Noah Malang Noah Malang
66.3 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 10th | 66.3
137 Robby Compartino Robby Compartino
66.3 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 10th | 66.3
137 Sebastian Riopel Sebastian Riopel
66.3 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 10th | 66.3
147 Ramon Schmohl Ramon Schmohl
63 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 28th | 24
2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 17th | 39
147 Sven Herrmann Sven Herrmann
63 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 16th | 42
2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 34th | 21
149 Aidan-Kye Nault Aidan-Kye Nault
61.5 2022 Big White Freeride Days (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
149 Ali Dunn Ali Dunn
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
61.5 2022 DWUK R6 Chicksands bike park | 11th | 61.5
149 Andrew Meier Andrew Meier
United States of America
61.5 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
149 Anton Appel Anton Appel
61.5 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 11th | 61.5
149 Cohen Johns Cohen Johns
61.5 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
149 Janik Bircher Janik Bircher
61.5 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
149 Luca Hellwig Luca Hellwig
61.5 2022 Mimotrails Dirtjam (M/W) | 11th | 61.5
149 Pascal Kobl Pascal Kobl
61.5 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 11th | 61.5
149 Stefan Olsson Stefan Olsson
61.5 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 11th | 61.5
149 Will Curry Will Curry
61.5 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 11th | 61.5
159 Chris Redshaw Chris Redshaw
57 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 12th | 57
159 Cruize Lodding Cruize Lodding
57 2022 GV Block Party (M/W) | 12th | 57
159 Dominic Aeschlimann Dominic Aeschlimann
57 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 12th | 57
159 Jeremias Luder Jeremias Luder
57 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 12th | 57
159 Joshua Taylor Joshua Taylor
57 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 12th | 57
159 Julian Dallmann Julian Dallmann
57 2022 KMC Dirt-Wies Ride (M) | 12th | 57
159 Liam Quinlivan Liam Quinlivan
57 2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 12th | 57
159 Nicolas Giard Nicolas Giard
57 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 12th | 57
159 Olav Fjaere Langedrag Olav Fjaere Langedrag
57 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 12th | 57
159 Robert Keuntje Robert Keuntje
57 2022 About You Pangea Festival (M) | 12th | 57
159 Scott MacLeod Scott MacLeod
United States of America
57 2022 Freebird Slopestyle Series - Stop 3 (M/W) | 12th | 57
170 Mael Aebersold Mael Aebersold
54.9 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 24th | 26.4
2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 22nd | 28.5
171 Emil Lewis-Jonsson Emil Lewis-Jonsson
52.8 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 13th | 52.8
171 Nicolas Simoneau Nicolas Simoneau
52.8 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 13th | 52.8
171 Oran Levin Kahn Oran Levin Kahn
52.8 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 13th | 52.8
171 Patric Galic Patric Galic
52.8 2022 Kooralbyn MTB Festival (M/W) | 13th | 52.8
171 Samuel Pretty Samuel Pretty
52.8 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 13th | 52.8
176 Alex Vos Alex Vos
48.9 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 14th | 48.9
176 Calum Ralston Calum Ralston
48.9 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 14th | 48.9
176 Dale Simmons Dale Simmons
United States of America
48.9 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 14th | 48.9
176 Guylian Wiseham Guylian Wiseham
48.9 2022 DWUK R5 The GT Malverns Classic MTB Festival Slopestyle | 14th | 48.9
176 Yannik Nowak Yannik Nowak
48.9 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 14th | 48.9
181 Heikki Bieg Heikki Bieg
47.82 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 35th | 20.52
2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 23rd | 27.3
182 Dylan Carey Dylan Carey
45.3 2022 Sentiers du Moulin Slopestyle (M/F) | 15th | 45.3
182 Fabian Conteras Fabian Conteras
45.3 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 15th | 45.3
182 James Bruen James Bruen
45.3 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 15th | 45.3
182 Patricia Druwen Patricia Druwen
45.3 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 15th | 45.3
182 Ross Anderson Ross Anderson
45.3 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 15th | 45.3
187 Anthony Mariani Anthony Mariani
42 2022 Wam Bam Dirt Jump Jam (M/W) | 16th | 42
187 Kayden Bate Kayden Bate
42 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 16th | 42
187 Nico Tanzberger Nico Tanzberger
42 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 16th | 42
187 Sven Van Der Heide Sven Van Der Heide
42 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 16th | 42
191 Blai Farré Blai Farré
39 2022 Fyrhuset Bikefight (M) | 17th | 39
191 Jonas Striese Jonas Striese
39 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 17th | 39
191 LJ Parra LJ Parra
United States of America
39 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 17th | 39
191 Skylir Van Der Walt Skylir Van Der Walt
39 2022 Big Air SlopeParty (M/W) | 17th | 39
195 Fynn Hodler Fynn Hodler
36.3 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 18th | 36.3
195 Jerome Blum Jerome Blum
36.3 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 18th | 36.3
197 Jatayu Lüthi Jatayu Lüthi
33.9 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 19th | 33.9
197 Kjetil Zehnder Kjetil Zehnder
33.9 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 19th | 33.9
197 Tanner Foster Tanner Foster
United States of America
33.9 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 19th | 33.9
200 Andre Fischer Andre Fischer
31.8 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 20th | 31.8
200 Dawson Gibbs Dawson Gibbs
United States of America
31.8 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 20th | 31.8
200 Luca Khadarin Luca Khadarin
31.8 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 20th | 31.8
203 Alois Dietler Alois Dietler
30 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 21st | 30
203 Owen Peterdy Owen Peterdy
United States of America
30 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 21st | 30
203 Tim Kneubühler Tim Kneubühler
30 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 21st | 30
206 Daniel Fendler Daniel Fendler
United States of America
28.5 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 22nd | 28.5
206 Joel Ruchti Joel Ruchti
28.5 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 22nd | 28.5
208 Mike Foster Mike Foster
United States of America
27.3 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 23rd | 27.3
209 Brian Strieby Brian Strieby
United States of America
26.4 2022 ROYAL Rumble (M) | 24th | 26.4
209 Jan Schindler Jan Schindler
26.4 2022 Swiss Dirt King Steffisburg (M/W) | 24th | 26.4
211 Lars Küenzi Lars Küenzi
25.8 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 25th | 25.8
212 Paul Erdmann Paul Erdmann
25.2 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 26th | 25.2
213 Bode Alder Bode Alder
24.6 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 27th | 24.6
214 Jonas Stadler Jonas Stadler
22.92 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 30th | 22.92
215 Michael Frei Michael Frei
22.44 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 31st | 22.44
216 Lorenzo Olivieri Lorenzo Olivieri
21.96 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 32nd | 21.96
217 Michel Huber Michel Huber
21.48 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 33rd | 21.48
218 Nico Schmohl Nico Schmohl
20.04 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 36th | 20.04
219 Martino Segato Martino Segato
19.56 2022 Davos Dirt Jam (M/W) | 37th | 19.56